Attend online.

This year’s Symposium begins on Friday evening, October 21, 2022, with a complimentary Maypop Mixer reception for all attendees, followed by a keynote address by renowned clinical herbalist and author Kat Maier. It continues with four tracks of classes, panels, plant walks, a vendor fair, and much more on Saturday and Sunday, October 22-23.

Onine Registration for In Person Symposium closes on October 20th. To register after this date, please check in at the AHG Symposium Help Desk when you arrive at the Bethesda North Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. 

Registration for the Online Symposium, Pre-Symposium Intensives on Friday or the Post-Symposium Intensive on Monday remains open through October 24th. Use links provided to register or for more information. 

Please plan to join us for any of the six Pre-Symposium Intensives on Friday, October 21, and a day-long Post-Symposium Intensive on Monday, October 24.

Our brand new Symposium format features more than 25 sessions for herbalists at all levels, from beginners to advanced. If you are as tired of virtual learning as we are, check out the completely tech-free Symposium track devoted to interactive and sensory herbal experiences. You can also enjoy forest bathing by visiting a spectacular multimedia environment that elicits the sensual experience of forest bathing!

Can’t join us in person this year? No worries! Register for the online track that features eight specially curated virtual Symposium sessions with the option to add two Pre-Symposium Intensives and the Monday Post-Symposium Intensive. Access them live or view the recordings at your convenience for one year.

Outside the classroom, we have plenty of other herb-centric activities planned. Because our herbal allies are everywhere, there will be lots of urban plant walks throughout the weekend. And be sure to save some energy for the dance party on Saturday night!

The Vendor Fair is back! We’re proud to feature a select group of herbal businesses from around the country at the Symposium. Do you have an herb business you’d like to tell everyone about? We invite you to become a Sponsor to promote your business, get direct exposure to a targeted audience of herbalists, and support the mission of the American Herbalists Guild. Learn more here.

Questions about Symposium? Please send us anĀ email.