National Institute of Medical Herbalists

Our fantastic online event is back – join us for our 158th annual conference!

With scientific insights, traditional wisdoms, learnings from community herbalism and support for building herbal business, The Herbal Medicine Conference 2022 promises to be an event not to be missed.

Plants, People and the Planet – Synergy in action

Plants and people have always existed together, and our conference this years explores the nature of this relationship, looking at how plants have helped shape communities, how people and plants have moved around the world, how plants feed and heal us, and the ongoing spiritual connection between people, land and plants.

Building on the amazing success of the event since it moved online in 2020, the conference will feature live-streamed sessions, masterclasses, world-class keynote speakers and an exhibitor area. The conference’s interactive app provides opportunities for networking, topical discussions and Q+As.



  • Kat Maier – on Energetic Herbalism – Kat Maier is the founder and director of Sacred Plant Traditions, a center for herbal studies in Charlottesville, Virginia. In clinical practice for over 30 years, Kat teaches internationally at universities, conferences, and herbal schools. She is a founding member of Botanica Mobile Clinic, a nonprofit dedicated to providing accessible herbal medicine to local communities. Kat also served as president of United Plant Savers and was the recipient of the organization’s first Medicinal Plant Conservation Award.
  • Nikki Darrell, MNIMH – on how people and plants communicate – Nikki has been working with plants, their medicine and healing, for over four decades. She has worked as a research scientist in the field of plant science; a practitioner of herbal medicine, aromatherapy, aromatic medicine, reflexology, massage, and body work; a gardener; an educator at all levels from introductory to 3rd level, campaigner, and author of five books and many articles. She holds a Masters in Social and Co-operative Enterprise which she embarked on due to her love of sustainable community development.
  • Erika Galentin, MNIMH – on the pressures on at risk medicinal plants – Erika is a Clinical Herbalist  from Sovereignty Herbs, Athens, OH. She holds a degree in Herbal Medicine from the University of Wales, Cardiff, UK and Scottish School of Herbal Medicine, Glasgow, UK. She is a firm believer in celebrating the role humanity plays in the ecology of our landscapes and that our relationships with the natural world should be based upon reciprocity and exchange
  • Helen Harding – on future proofing your herbal medicine business – Helen is a complementary therapist who now specialises in coaching other practitioners to build their practices. She has previously spent 20+ years working in marketing and business, responsible for staff teams and big budgets, and has spent the last 12 years blending the skills of marketing, business and personal development – specifically to help other practitioners find clients and build a sustainable holistic business.
  • Kamaldeep Sidhu, MNIMH- on the use of psychedelics to support mental health – Kamaldeep is a medical herbalist and health coach in private practice, who also teaches extensively, including lecturing on the degree course at Lincoln College. Kamaldeep’s training and experience in the fields of professional medical herbalism, wellbeing coaching and functional medicine means that she uses a wide range of approaches to deliver integrative healthcare.